We've all heard of the agencies that come to town offering on the spot interviews while charge up front fees in the thousands of dollars.
They take an additional 25% from the ones who get work and they tell the ones who don't to go try acting instead.
Some throw casting call lists at unsuspecting individuals who dish out thousands of dollars for the slim chance something happens.
The odds are against these aspiring models but they have dreamed about this for many years...
Well we have designed a completely different approach! Realizing that before you make your career in modeling you have to get your start,
and knowing there's a 'Catch 22' inherent there... We are here to GET YOU STARTED!!
Possibly on a smaller scale than some of those larger companies but then again its those larger companies who only work with a smaller scale of models ;-)
At our size we can GUARANTEE each client will get paid! Better yet we are a FEE FREE Agency.
We won't send you all over the map to all sorts of places chasing your dream. We won't charge you that 2,000.00 up front fee.
No more sitting an entire day behind a line that has no end, all to come up empty and then become so exhausted that you have to book your own hotel.
You only pay for your new promotional portfolio images. Book the qualifying minimal image package and you get the agency listing and our guarantee of getting paid as our free bonus!
We originated this new agency concept as our very own trade mark approach.
Models with absolutely no prior experience whatsoever have come through our doors and gone on to appear in Television shows, Movies, Magazines & more!
Does that happen for all our models. Of course not. But there are all sorts of other venues to get started and get paid and we WILL get you started and we will get you paid. 
We offer access to all the initial sought after opportunities and accomplishments and they are happening from right here:
Print Projects, Live event appearances, travel assistance, studio use, paid work referrals, your very own webpage, contests, even the chance at International Travel on Assignment!